Bike & Ride enhances the appeal of rail travel by providing a flexible, convenient last-mile solution with significant benefits for travelers, rail providers, and employers alike. Among different Bike & Ride options, bike-sharing stands out as a flexible choice, enabling
Mobility Hubs
Post on mobility hubs, their functions as a interface between mobility services, success factors and sources for further information
Mobility/Transportation Demand Management
The demand for transport is the root cause for transport-related emissions. Peak demand in addition leads to inefficiencies and infection risk. Managing the demand for transportation could reduce emissions and improve our mobility.
Mobility Process Mining
Process Mining can help travelers and transport planers to better understand and improve travel chains using the traveler’s digital footprint.
The New Normal: Public Transport and the Virus
The New Normal: How Public Transport providers and passengers can live with the coronavirus pandemic.
Corona Virus and Mobility
The Coronavirus travels the world and impacts our lives and the economy. Let’s have a look on how mobility supports the virus and what we all can do to reduce the infection risk and keep things running.
MaaS and the Cannibalization of Public Transport
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) will add new modes of transport to the cities. If these new mobility services should not generate additional traffic, the traffic needs to shift from established transport options to the new options. Is this cannibalization?
MaaS for Mega Cities? Impressions from Delhi.
Delhi shares the same problems as most of the mega cities in developing countries and emerging markets do: ~25 million people in the metropolitan area with massive urbanization and a fast growing middle class claiming motorized private transport and big