The vehicle utilization or pooling ratio determines the profitability of ride pooling services. This blog post introduces some hacks to improve the efficiency for ride pooling and carpooling systems with a focus on suburban and rural areas.
Mobility/Transportation Demand Management
The demand for transport is the root cause for transport-related emissions. Peak demand in addition leads to inefficiencies and infection risk. Managing the demand for transportation could reduce emissions and improve our mobility.
How to Keep Cars out of Cities
Actions a #SmartCity could take to keep cars out and reduce #congestion and #pollution range from telework to #park&ride as outlined in a #Climathon project.
MaaS & Rebound Effect
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) integrates various forms of transport into a single mobility service, accessible on demand. Ideally MaaS makes transport faster, cheaper, more convenient and causes less emissions. This is true per ride. But what happens if cheaper