Smart City Berlin

On August 4, 2017, the Berlin senator for environment, transport and climate protection, Regine Günther, presented the draft for Berlin’s new mobility law. The draft introduces some ground-breaking changes for inner-city mobility and ambitious goals:

  • Traffic in Berlin should become climate neutral by 2050
  • Traffic should no longer cause any lethal casualties
  • Public transport and bike traffic will be preferred to private automotive traffic
  • Construction of more than 100 km “bicycle highways”, bike parking garages and >100,000 bike racks
  • Solutions for delivery vehicles to no longer block bike paths and sidewalks
  • Redesign of dangerous crossroads
  • Creating additional bike lanes, broad enough for overtaking other cyclists
  • The Police will expand bike patrols
  • The remaining bus stops and train stations will become barrier-free

Berlin will be Germany’s first federal state considering all modes of transport in one regulation. With the new mobility law, Berlin will be closing the gap to leading smart and green cities like Helsinki or Copenhagen and paving the way for an even higher standard of life in Europe’s start-up metropolis.


Berlin Rushing Forward on Green Mobility
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